Call for Showpieces

Important Dates

Submission 13 July 2018 20 July 2018   NEW
Notifications 27 July 2018
Camera Ready 10 August 2018

Showpieces offer an interactive opportunity to show off your ideas or accomplishments to the VL/HCC community. Showpieces helps to start conversations that could lead to new collaborations. In particular, they help researchers to demonstrate their research to industry partners and they help graduate students to meet faculty from other universities. Showpieces can be tool demonstrations, videos, downloadable apps, handouts, electronic devices, physical prototypes, or any other artifacts that facilitate meaningful interactions with other conference attendees.


We welcome submissions that cover (but that are not limited to) the following topics:

  • Existing commercial products and/or services
  • Research Prototypes
  • Efforts aimed at integrating research into education
  • Efforts aimed at commercializing research

    2-pages PDF file, following standard IEEE Conference Proceedings format, which contains the following information:

  • Abstract.
  • Description of the technical content of the showpiece (e.g., research results, efforts to integrate research with education, existing products).
  • Relevance and novelty - Why is this content of interest to the VL/HCC community?
  • Presentation - How will the showpiece be presented? E.g., in a video, poster, app, or device.
  • References are not required but may be included if doing so helps to communicate the topic, content, claims, novelty, or relevance.
  • The submission is not the showpiece. The showpiece itself does not need to be submitted, nor does it need to exist when the 2-page PDF is submitted. For example, if the showpiece will be a video, then the video does not need to be submitted with the PDF. If the showpiece does not yet exist, the submission should simply explain what showpiece will be created to present the relevant content.

    Please submit your paper via Easy Chair and indicate as part of the title whether you wish to publish this document or not ("publishable/non-publishable"). Your option affects how the 2-page PDF is reviewed and published (as explained below). When no option is specified, we treat your submission as publishable.

    REVIEWING - publishable vs. non-publishable

    Non-publishable submissions will be reviewed based on two criteria

  • Relevance and interest to the VL/HCC community
  • Intelligibility of the submission.
  • Submissions accepted as non-publishable submissions will not be included in the proceedings.

    The PDFs indicated as publishable will be peer-reviewed. These submissions will be reviewed based on the following criteria:

  • Relevance and interest to the VL/HCC community
  • Intelligibility of the submission.
  • Novelty
  • Significance
  • Validity of any claims or conclusions stated.
  • Publishable submissions should make standalone contributions that are intelligible even in the absence of the actual showpiece.

    Accepted publishable submissions will be included in the VL/HCC conference proceedings (IEEE Xplore Digital Library) as archival 2-page papers provided that at least one author registers for the conference.

    If a submission fails to meet the criteria for publication, but could be accepted as a non-publishable submission, then we may suggest switching the submission to be non-publishable. For example, a submission presenting work that already will be appearing elsewhere in the main conference would be a reasonable non-publishable submission, but it might not meet the novelty criterion required for a publishable submission.


    The VL/HCC program will include one showpiece session. During this session, showpieces will be presented in a large room simultaneously by many different presenters, with each presenter allocated a specific assigned space for presenting a showpiece. Internet connectivity, chairs, and table space will be available, as well as wall or easel space for hanging a poster. Showpiece presenters are expected to bring all other materials and equipment required, including any computer hardware required for presenting the showpiece.


    For further information, please contact the showpieces chairs Miguel Goulão (primary contact) and Birgit Hofer.